Protecting the Right of Informed Conscience in Reproductive Medicine.
J Med Philos. 2008 Aug;33(4):374-93.
Mirkes R.
This essay sets down three directives for conscientiously objecting clinicians—physicians, particularly obstetrician/gynecologists, trained in NaProTechnology by the Pope Paul VI Institute and Creighton University School of Medicine and any medical professionals who share their natural law vision of reproductive health care—to protect their right to well-formed conscientious objection in reproductive medicine. Directive one: understand the nature of a well-formed conscience and its rightful exercise. Directive two: fulfill all reasonable American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ requirements for conscientious refusal. Directive three: execute a political strategy to protect health-care conscience rights.
Abstract Source:
Protecting the right of informed conscience in reproductive medicine.
Mirkes R.
J Med Philos. 2008 Aug;33(4):374-93. doi: 10.1093/jmp/jhn016.
PMID: 18662951