31 Simple Ways to Attract More FertilityCare Clients
Can I really attract more clients?
After speaking to almost 100 FCPs over the past year, I can tell you one of the most difficult things FCPs deal with is finding enough clients. So, I decided to find out why.
A survey of CrMS/NaPro users revealed that a user’s single biggest obstacle to learning CrMS is that they don’t know it exists! This is great news for FCPs!
This means all you need to do is build awareness about your work as an FCP on a consistent basis and clients will begin contacting you. In fact, there are hundreds, thousands of people wishing something like CrMS & NaPro existed. So let’s get the message out!
Ok, but how can it only take a few minutes a day?
Each of these 31 ways are fairly simple and many of them generate clients on autopilot after you set them up. You only need to spend a few minutes a day preparing, and nurturing a handful of these 31 marketing strategies (don’t need to do them all) and you’ll have more clients than you can handle!
P.S. Consistency is the secret sauce for success!
1. Create a Google Business Listing and use a professional photo as your logo.
2. Ask clients to leave 5 star reviews on your Google Business Listing.
3. Join fertility focused Facebook groups and answer questions as an expert in the field (make sure to read and follow the rules regarding business/self-promotion).
4. Create a Facebook “Local Business” Page for your Center.
5. Create a Facebook “Local Business” Page for yourself if you’re not a responsible practitioner (Ex. Brian Whittaker, FCP).
6. Ask clients to leave 5 star reviews on your Facebook Page.
7. Create a 2 minute video addressing a common question most people ask before becoming a client and post it to YouTube.
8. Post a “selfie video” on Facebook addressing common questions.
9. Hold a Facebook Live session and answer questions.
10. Start a video challenge about FertilityCare or NFP.
11. Create and share video testimonials from clients.
Live Events
12. Host a FertilityCare™ talk at nearby churches.
13. Host a FertilityCare™ talk and invite owners of natural-minded businesses in your area.
14. Host a FertilityCare™ talk for customers of crunchy businesses.
15. Organize an infertility support group or retreat in your area.
16. Create a website with a Home page, Services page, About page, and Contact page.
17. Start a blog and post once a week about FertilityCare™ topics that interest you and success stories of your clients.
18. Write a guest blog for a blog with lots of followers.
19. Build an email list of people interested in NFP.
20. Send a quiz to your list to see if CrMS/NaPro is right for them.
Client Referrals
21. Create special referral business cards or postcards and distribute them to happy clients.
22. Print out the NaPro ebook and ask clients to share it. (You can put your contact info on the ebook for $7 at www.naproebook.com/brandedebook)
Church, Parish, or Diocese
23. Educate your pastor about FertilityCare™ and request he recommend your services to women and couples.
24. Request a free space to advertise inside your weekly bulletin.
25. Call your church or diocese Family Life Office and educate them about your services so they can refer clients to you.
Medical Consultants
26. Schedule an informal meeting (tea or coffee) with any Medical Consultants nearby to introduce yourself.
27. Schedule a phone call with any Medical Consultants nearby to introduce yourself.
28. Ask permission to leave your business card or brochure at your MC’s office.
Doulas & Midwives
29. Schedule an informal chat with a doula or midwife in your area to get to know them and teach them about FertilityCare™.
30. Host a joint webinar with your local Medical Consultant or local crunchy business owners (invite their clients or patients, local infertility support groups, local natural-minded healthcare groups, and people on your email list to attend).
31. Create Pinterest lists related to FertilityCare™ with your contact information.
32. Get an interview on a local radio show or Catholic radio show. This is great for promoting a local event or product you’ve created. Make sure you have a website or Facebook page to refer listeners.
Pick a few. Schedule them. Begin.
Choose 2 to 4 items you’re most comfortable with and schedule them into your calendar in 5 to 10 minute blocks (because things that get scheduled - get done).
If an activity takes longer than 5 to 10 minutes to complete, just finish what you can within your scheduled block each day. And if one method isn’t working for you, come back to this list and choose something else.
About The Author
Hi, my name is Brian Whittaker. I’m the founder of By Its Fruit, formerly Spice Rabbit. We work exclusively with FertilityCare™ professionals to help them serve more clients and patients.
If you’re ready to accelerate your growth, book a strategy call with me at bit.ly/FCPstrategysession.